Four Mood-Boosting Passages

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I take vitamins. 

My list includes Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and a multi-vitamin. I take other supplements including Cranberry, Elderberry, Saw Palmetto, Red Yeast Rice, CQ10, and recently, a Beet mixture for a morning smoothie.

My wife looks at me weirdly when I use both hands to get all my supplements into my mouth. She thinks that I have hypochondriac tendencies. But I deny this accusation as I take my vitamins while gulping down the first of several hundred glasses of water that I drink each day!

Fortunately, my list of spiritual mood-boosting passages of the Bible is shorter.

Romans 8:28 ~ Better than oatmeal for heart and soul health.

We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (NLT).

James 1:2-3 ~ Helpful for boosting spiritual immunity against discouragement.

Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (NASB).

Ephesians 3:20 ~ Enables faith and hope while guarding against despair.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (NIV).

2 Peter 1:4 ~ The best multi-vitamin verse that is good for anything that takes away your victory.

God has given us promises through which we can have fellowship with Him and experience all that He desires for us (OGV).

I use these mood-boosting passages to remind me of God’s intentions. When I pray and my “ask” isn’t granted, I’m encouraged not discouraged. There is a miracle of presence in praying scripture that gives hope even during times of questioning. 

Unanswered prayer is not fatalism when we say – Well, God works all things to the good – but an expectation that God really does work all things to the good!

Every negative event in my life had momentary pain but then long-term growth. So many times I’ve experienced the goodness of God during difficulty that I consider it all joy when I encounter various trials.

When God calls me to grow or to help increase His kingdom, it has required a step of sacrifice on my part. I had to choose between sight and faith. God has never failed me; I know God is able to do immeasurably more than I ask or think.

I collect promises. I love Philippians 4:7, 13, and 19, which I call “password verses” for blessing, as 4:7 promises peace, 4:13 pledges power, and 4:19 assures us of His provision. I’ve learned that God gives promises through which we have fellowship with Him and experience all that He desires for us.

Please do not respond to this Interruption with a suggestion that I take another vitamin. 

Don’t send me information about a new acai-pomegranate-carrot-kale powder that will cause my hair to turn back from white to youthful brown.

My wife will get upset with you.