Do Not Be Weary in Doing Good

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Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9, NIV).

We pray with little impact, help others, and they don’t notice, and work for goals that seem increasingly distant.

Paul writes, “Don’t grow weary, be patient, soon we will reap a reward for our labors.” None of us wants to stop our ministries, but we get tired and are tempted to quit.

For years, I’ve traveled to Russia to train pastors and churches in disciplemaking. I’ve been to Russia about 70 times, and when I left the country in November 2019, I had no idea that I would probably never return.

With Americans now being arrested under false charges to be held for future hostage negotiations, it wouldn’t be wise to go back.

So, I’ve been thinking recently, “What’s the fruit of my labors? Have I traveled and worked for little reward?” I know that I should be more mature and spiritual, but I do wonder if all those trips had a lasting impact.

With Zoom, I still train Russian speaking pastors from another country close to Russia. (Not wise to mention the country’s name). The trainings on disciplemaking have been ongoing since COVID.  

I wonder (I’m good at wondering) not only about my previous work in Russia but also about whether the Zoom conferences in the unnamed country are having an impact.  

But I haven’t stopped training.

Last week, in the middle of a Zoom conference with Russian-speaking pastors from the unnamed country, a pastor spoke up. Often, with our Zoom training, the pastors say little. 

It’s either because of a culture of respectful listening or they sit in awed silence of my teaching.

You decide.

The outspoken pastor said the following…

I’m from northern Siberia in Russia. (I didn’t know a Russian was attending the Zoom conferences.)

We have 50 churches, and we planted two more churches last month. We know that many who come to know Jesus walk away from faithfulness, and because of this, discipleship has become the passion of my heart.

Many of our churches are using First Steps. Our hearts are ablaze with excitement. Please continue to help us. Thank you for teaching us.

I found out later that the outspoken pastor was the bishop of these 50 Russian churches.

Again, I’ve been wondering about our conferences with the Russian-speaking country, along with the bishop and his 50 churches. Considering the worldwide political tensions, I’m encouraged to know that the work of training disciplers still gathers a harvest.

I’m glad that I didn’t grow weary.

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