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Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1, NIV).
Mimic my behavior as I mimic the behavior of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1, OGV).
Let’s imagine that you are confronted with a complex task. How you complete this task will bring blessings or frustrations into your life.
Let’s consider that all of you are already doing this task, some very well and some of you dismally. But you can improve by following an example.
What is this task? Walking on the narrow path!
For the gate is small and the path is narrow that leads to life (Matthew 7:14, OGV).
On this path, wander to the left or the right and you could be entangled in thorns or fall off a cliff. To stay safe, you need a guide or an example! The Greek word for “example” can also be translated as “mimic.”
On a narrow path, with danger inches off the path, I want more than a guide shouting instructions or an expert saying, “Watch me.” I want to hear the words, “This is a dangerous part of the path, mimic my exact footsteps.”
When decisions impact my life, I want specifics, not suggestions. I want an exact translation with no room for error in the translation. Life’s decisions, the most important ones, are instant, exacting, and need action.
Opinions and discussions may not be helpful and may probably be dangerous.
God provides very specific guidance in scripture, and the Spirit comes with in-the-second instructions. Galatians 5:25 says, “We live by the Spirit, by walking right behind the Spirit” (OGV).
Yesterday, I led a conference on First Steps Conversations (discipleship for new and renewed believers). At the beginning, a QR code was distributed, and attendees could scan the code to receive teaching notes on their mobile devices.
I taught for an hour and several people asked after the first session, “I can’t get the QR code to work.”
I said, “Go to the tech guy and he will work it out for you.” I then listened to the tech guy’s very specific instructions, “Scan with your camera, hover, you don’t need to take a photo.” And, “See that little box? Tap it.” And, “No, it won’t work on a flip phone from 1998.”
Answers about the “narrow path” of a QR code were quickly solved by following specific advice. God tells us throughout the Bible that He wants to give advice, showing you the exact steps to take in decisions.
This is discipleship – a discipler, having learned to be led by the Spirit, teaching the fundamentals, and leading a disciple in hearing more specific instructions.
The disciple grows by mimicking.
Why spend hours staring at the screen of a mobile device, trying to figure out a QR code, when someone could instruct you in seconds? Why walk the narrow path alone? Save yourself cuts, scrapes, and broken bones – by just mimicking your guide.
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God (Romans 8:14, NIV).
Below is the QR code for the recent conference.

Using it, you can download an outline for foundational discipleship instruction. If you want to come to a conference to hear me speak about the outline, hit “reply” and let us know and you will be sent another “QR” code for registration.
If using Android, make sure you have a QR program downloaded. No need with an iPhone. Turn on camera and hover. Tap the box that comes up. If you still can’t get it to work – pray and fast.