Christianity is Unique

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For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith (Ephesians 2:8, NIV).

Christianity is totally unique.

It is the only religion in the world in which God becomes flesh. It is the only religion in history that has the death, burial, and resurrection of God. It is the only religion that bases its integrity upon a singular historical event.

Christianity is totally unique.

It is the only religion in the world that relies upon grace to establish a relationship with God. It is the only religion in history that doesn’t insist upon a list of rules for salvation. It is the only religion with a Savior claiming to be God.

Christianity is unique.

It is the only religion in the world with the Spirit of God living within us. It is the only religion in history that gives spiritual or supernatural gifts. It is the only religion where the Spirit of God leads us daily.

Christianity is totally unique.

It is the only religion in the world that calls us co-workers with God. It is the only religion in history that calls us heirs of God in Christ. It is the only religion teaching that we will rule with Christ for all eternity.

Christianity is unique.

It is the only religion in the world that gives us inspired Scripture written by many authors over a period of 1,600 years. It is the only religion in history to have a Bible that starts at the beginning and concludes with the end of time. It is the only religion with a Savior claiming to be the Word!

Christianity is totally unique.

It is the only religion in the world that provides us with the basic tenets of modern science. It is the only religion in history proclaiming no distinctions based on gender, race, or nationality. It is the only religion that undergirds the ideals of democracy.

Christianity is unique.

It is the only religion in the world that offers a true path to love, hope, and faith. It is the only religion in history emphasizing forgiveness rather than vengeance. It is the only religion encouraging us to forgive as we have been forgiven.

Christianity is unique. 

It is totally unique.

It is the only religion with the way to salvation found by confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior!

No other religion has Jesus. No other religion has grace. No other religion has the Bible. No other religion clearly describes heaven. No other religion gives hope that we will see and know our family and friends again.

I am a Christian by faith. I pray you are too.

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