Check Your Foundation

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When the rains fell and the flood came, with fierce winds beating upon the wise man’s house, it stood firm because of its strong foundation.  Matthew 7:25

How do you answer the following questions?

  • Do you have a regular Bible reading plan?
  • Can you list three answered prayers from the past few weeks?
  • Have you ever prayed with someone to become a follower of Jesus?
  • Do you know your spiritual gifts?

Again, answer the following questions:

  • Do you regularly memorize scripture?
  • Do you keep prayer lists of your asked requests?
  • Have you ever discipled a new believer?
  • Are you connected in a serving capacity with a body of believers?

Over 40 years ago, I noticed that Christians with the disciplines of prayer, Bible, fellowship, and evangelism/discipleship grew in Christ. If even one discipline was missing, there was stunted growth.

I began calling these four disciplines “the foundational disciplines” of the Christian faith.

The four are not listed together in the Bible as foundational disciplines. You can’t find the four in one passage in the Psalms or the Gospels or included in one of the Apostle Paul’s letters.

Brothers and sisters, the four foundational disciplines of the Christian faith are prayer, Bible, fellowship, and discipleship/evangelism.  Follow these disciplines and your strength in Jesus will grow daily. You will save the lost, heal the sick, and set the captives free.  Not Found In The Bible

However, I doubt anyone will dispute that without these four disciplines you can grow a faith that will withstand the storms of life.


The four foundational disciplines are the same for all Christians in every nation and speaking every language. Italians, Russians, Americans, Filipinos, and every other country – all followers of Jesus have the same foundation for their faith.

As Jesus said:

But everyone who hears my teaching and does not apply it to his life can be compared to a foolish man who built his house on sand.  Matthew 7:26

Answer the eight questions at the beginning of this Interruption to inspect your foundation. If you answer most of them with “yes” – go and do great works of faith, as your foundation will support success, wealth, and even disappointment.

If your answers are mostly “no” – be careful. A weak foundation will not support either success or storms.

Where do you start? Ask the Lord to give you a desire to read your Bible and pray. Be discipled and become a discipler. And don’t walk alone. Every house must be built upon a sturdy foundation.

The four foundational disciplines of the Christian faith are prayer, Bible, fellowship, and evangelism-discipleship.

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