Calling ~ Your Axis!

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I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live worthy of the calling with which you have been called (Ephesians 4:1, ESV).

Look at your fingertips. They are one of a kind. No one else has your fingerprints.

Consider your calling. It is one of a kind. No other person has your calling!

The uniqueness of your calling is why Paul encourages you to walk in a manner worthy of this calling. The Greek word for “worthy” is “axis.” Often, when we read Scripture in English, nuance is lost in the translation.

Axis is an imaginary line about which a body rotates. Like the sun rotating on its axis. You should walk in a manner worthy of your calling or …

I urge you to walk in a manner that rotates around or focuses exclusively on your calling! (Ephesians 4:1, OGV)

Your calling should dictate your career, your job, your education, your money, and those with whom you associate. Living according to your calling means everything swirls around that calling.

Your calling is your focal point. There is an “if” and “then” with calling. 

If God has given us a calling, then He has also given us spiritual gifts for that calling. If God has given us a calling, then prayers asked according to our calling will be answered. If God has given us a calling, then our peace and happiness will be experienced by focusing on our calling.

Do we know our calling? Many have no idea and live wandering from job to job and differing careers, frustrated relationships, aimless, and easily discouraged.

Finding our calling means finding our purpose, and then everything in life comes into alignment. We are doing that for which we were created.

No greater joy!

I’m living according to my calling.  

My calling recently changed from being the senior pastor of a church to leading and writing this blog! It’s fun. A great team of volunteers has come alongside this one-on-discipleship calling, and I count dozens of answers to specific prayers in the past two years.

How do we find our calling?

That’s tomorrow’s Interruption #874.

My favorite verse in understanding calling is 2 Timothy 1:9 …

He is the one who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not based on our works but on his own purpose and grace, granted to us in Christ Jesus before time began.

Amazing that when God created time – the “axis” of His will for the universe and all of time – considered and planned your calling. You are that important to Him. Our lives were created to spin around His will.

Let’s walk in a manner “worthy,” “rotating,” or “focused” upon God’s calling!

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