Black Friday 2021 Tests Being Thankful

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Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

There are several possible explanations for the origin of the term “Black Friday.”

The most accepted explains that the Philadelphia police force used it to describe the day after Thanksgiving shopping and the mobs of people, having to work overtime, chaos, pickpockets, and snarled traffic.

I believe this explanation, as it describes the scene that I experienced at Walmart in 2019.

We all know because of 2020 that 2021’s Black Friday will be different than 2019.

How? Nothing for sale.

I’ve been looking at sales and notice stores are opening at the exact time you decide to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner. The ads are offering 90 percent off most items, but don’t mention that products marked down 90 percent or 75 percent 0r 10 percent are already sold out.

Why? The current explanation is that Christmas toys, and clothes with the size that fits you, all sit on a container ship off the port of Los Angeles. They hope to have it offloaded by Black Friday 2026. The dockworkers now pray for the soon return of Jesus in 2022!

My wife solved the problem this year by beginning her Christmas shopping in 2019. She’s amazing. She has gift lists, prayer requests, dreams, and visions. If the angels appear announcing the second coming of Jesus in 2022, don’t worry, my wife has already purchased gifts for the Magi.

Who is responsible? The safest explanation would be for Republicans to blame Democrats and Democrats to blame Republicans. With this agreement, everybody loses.

A new meaning to “Black Friday.”

Solution? Free gifts for everyone!!

Perhaps Congress can agree. It will cost nothing as the shelves are empty. Or they could pass another trillion or two trillion debt package that will so impoverish our children’s children that they will look at the Christmas of 2019 as the last great Christmas.

My children’s children to your children’s children.

My grandparents told me that on Black Friday 2019, the stores had TVs, bicycles, video games, and clothes that fit. And crowds so large that mayhem, chaos, and persecution ensued. To get to a box store they had to drive uphill in a snowstorm both going and then coming home from the store.

Another possible solution? Cyber Monday! Good luck… sizes that fit are already sold. Electronics for some reason never left China. China always says that something never originated or left China.

The best solution – fasting, especially after Thanksgiving!

What am I going to do on Black Friday? HHHHMMMHHM? Ships off the coast of California, Congress in gridlock, debt for generations to come, website failures on Cyber Monday, China in denial, people clamoring for dwindling items on shelves, and a shortage of Fritos?

I need to be comforted by something warm, tasty, and traditional.

I’m going to wait in a mile-long line at the Starbucks© drive-thru for a Venti seasonal Eggnog Latte. Oh, no! My news feed just reported that Starbucks© won’t have Eggnog Latte on its holiday menu this year.

What!!!???? Fortunately, I have a conscience and it’s saying right now…

Remember, Pastor Grant, you have written four Interruptions on being thankful this week. Yesterday was Thanksgiving! Be thankful in all situations. Don’t even think of kicking your wife’s cat. Toilet paper shortage, Fritos© shortage, and no Eggnog Latte – you can do it.

Whew, I feel better. Now, where is that cat?

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