Grant Edwards

Is It God?

I’m asked this question often.  Most conversations initiated with me in the last few years focus on this question.  There are different forms of the question– Should I marry this person?  Should I take this job?  Should I divorce my wife?  Should I go on vacation? Should I start this business? ‘Is it God?’ is

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I love ambition. My entire life, I have been ambitious. I want to accomplish something.  If I’m not working toward a big goal, I get frustrated. I would not enjoy working with someone who doesn’t have ambition. Blind ambition and selfish ambition, I want to avoid.  But a desire for success that serves God’s Kingdom

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Today, I’m thinking about heroes. I have several in my life: of course my parents, and I would include John Wilson, a pastor in Springfield that enabled my entry into the ministry.  I could list several others but I will stop with Lewis Foster, my seminary professor.  He kept me from quitting my master’s level

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The Impossible by God

God does the impossible. In creation something came from nothing — there was nothing and in a nanosecond the universe and even time existed. Something can’t come from nothing.  Science says it’s impossible. Moses and the entire nation of Israel were in difficulty.  Behind Israel was Pharaoh and the mightiest army in the world and

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