Asbury And The 1990s Russian Revival

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Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20, ESV).

Watching videos of the Asbury Revival and talking to those who went to Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, I consistently heard one comment …


I’ve been a part of three major revivals and observed one from a distance – the Jesus Movement of the ’60s and early ’70s, the Russian Revival of the ‘90s, and one in Cuba that lasted about a decade. 

I prayed about going to Wilmore for the Asbury Revival, as I didn’t want to get left out of a move of God’s Spirit, but God spoke to me through my wife, “Grant, you are writing a book; get it finished. This revival is for youth. Let’s pray that it comes to Springfield, Ohio.”

My response for my experiences with revival, whether in person or by observing from a distance …


Especially incredible when we consider that the revivals that I mention above happened with little human effort and with no one but God seemingly in charge.

An example:

In 1991, my wife and I were on a small team traveling to the city of Kirov in Russia. Since this city was founded and built during the Communist era, our team was the first evangelical team to ever hold a public crusade in the city.  

People lined up for hours to enter what the Russians call a Culture House or meeting hall in the center of the city. After I preached a 15-minute rather bland sermon, struggling with an interpreter to get the message through to those listening, I asked the audience if anyone would like to accept Jesus as their Savior to please come forward.

Six hundred stood up and rushed to the platform. I wasn’t expecting this.


Last week, a media host asked the President of the student body of Asbury University how she would explain what was happening at Asbury. Her reply …

We have been saying to one another Habakkuk 1, “Look among the nations and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if you were told.” 

It is happening, and we can hardly believe it. 

The media host then said, “This began in a completely conventional service when a boy got up and began talking about his flaws, and something changed in the atmosphere, and it never ended.”

The Student Body President responded, “That is exactly what happened!”


I think the Apostle Peter also had a comment about what happened in Russia, Asbury, and all the revivals in the history of the Christian Church.

And in the last days it shall be, God declares that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams (Acts 2:17).

Peter told us in the book of Acts, during the first sermon ever preached to the Christian Church, that God will pour out His Spirit. Being sovereign, God reserves the right to choose time, place, and recipients.

Let’s continue to wait expectantly for what God does next after releasing the Spirit at Asbury.

It will be unbelievable!

And my wife and I continue to pray for revival in Springfield, Ohio.

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