Angels In The Book Of Revelation

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Angels are real. I’ve had at least two encounters in my life that can only be explained as angelic visitations.

Most of you have had similar encounters.

I haven’t done an exhaustive study, so this is Pastor Grant’s Non-Exhaustive-Study-Conclusion: more can be learned about angels in the book of Revelation than in any other book of the Bible. They worship, restrain judgment, then bring judgment, battle evil, preach the gospel, and encourage the saints.

The book of Revelation has several scenes where there are millions, or even billions, of angels worshipping God. You would expect billions if not trillions, as angels help work out God’s will in the universe. Not just on earth.

And the universe is a big place.

My favorite angelic scene is the four living creatures of Revelation 4. While technically called seraphim, they are described as high-ranking angels in Isaiah 6. Their vocabulary is described as proclaiming “Holy, holy, holy” day and night before the throne of God.

The seraphim in Revelation 4, described as having six wings encased with eyes, represent the all-knowing nature of God (and perhaps the origin of centuries of artwork depicting angels with wings).

Angels are not cuddly cherubs playing harps on clouds.

They reap the harvest of both the righteous and the wicked at the end of history. Angels are not the legendary “Grim Reapers” but do play a part in God’s judgment as powerful emissaries of God’s grace, mercy, and judgment.

And another angel came out of the temple, crying out with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Put in your sickle and reap, for the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe.”  Revelation 14:15 NASB95

Angels are not worshipped. In Revelation 19, John falls at the feet of an angel who quickly tells him, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and of the brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 19:10).

All of history concludes with this scene of the New Jerusalem:

It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels.  Revelation 21:12 NASB95

The twelve gates each have the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve gates with a name and an angel. I believe those twelve angels were created for ministry and were assigned to the twelve tribes of Israel. Their role concludes in eternity by standing at the gate named for each tribe.

The book of Revelation begins with seven letters to seven churches. Each letter begins, “To the angel of the church in Ephesus,” then continues with the same phrase to the other six churches – Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.

Does my city have an angel? Do I have a guardian angel? Probably!

Angels described in Hebrews 1:14 are sent as ministers to the saints on earth. Their role and ministry from a heavenly/eternal perspective are aptly described in the book of Revelation. Angels act as agents of God’s purpose – they fight, bless, help, and you don’t want to mess with them.

The book of Revelation describes a time of judgment at the end when all the angels will observe your reward for obedience or disobedience (Revelation 7:11).

Reading about angels in the book of Revelation, I am glad that we are on the same team, with a similar purpose – to give glory to God for all eternity.

A final Pastor Grant Non-Exhaustive-Study-Conclusion: my guardian angel has had to work harder than yours!

Interruptions will feature the book of Revelation in 2021.
Read # 280, #281, #295, #307, and #316 at for previous blogs on Revelation.

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