An Angel In Afghanistan

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God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness.  Psalm 91:11-13 TPT

Psalm 91 and its teaching about the protection of angels is any praying parent’s go-to verse when praying for children.

I prayed three things for my daughter as she was growing up:

  1. Be a follower of Jesus
  2. Marry a follower of Jesus
  3. Follow the Lord’s calling in her life

When my daughter, who did follow Jesus and who did marry another follower of Jesus, came to me and told me that they felt called to serve God in Afghanistan – well, as a parent, what would be your response?

I guess I should have prayed that she would be called to Hawaii.

I immediately pulled Psalm 91 out of my prayer closet of spiritual weaponry and began praying that God would place His angels around my daughter and son-in-law and that they would be safe.

I also prayed that they wouldn’t be harmed by any forces of darkness.

Remarkably, I had peace for the four years that they followed their calling into Afghanistan. They had a remarkable time meeting good people and starting one of the first women’s centers in the country.

I heard on the news one morning that there was an attack in the city where my daughter and her husband lived. Westerners were captured and several beheaded.

My daughter contacted me a few hours later and told me that they were safe. She also said that her husband had intended to visit that location – that very day – but an Afghan friend had called and told him to stay home.

I found out later that this friend had helped my daughter and son-in-law many times. He wasn’t your typical angel – but an angel, nonetheless. And an answer to my Psalm 91 prayers.

Recently, our Afghan friend has been reaching out to our family. His life and the lives of his family are threatened. We have been helping him. I realize that his story is one of tens of thousands in Afghanistan right now.

If it wasn’t for him, my son-in-law would not be alive today.

I’m now praying Psalm 91 for this angel and his family. I am asking they would be able to leave the country. It will take a miracle. But that is what Psalm 91 is about!

There are many who read Interruptions. Would you join me in this prayer?

Also, pray Psalm 91 many times over for those left in Afghanistan.

Thank you!

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