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AI stands for Artificial Intelligence.
At the beginning of Interruptions, I like to list a passage of Scripture, but I can’t think of a verse in the Bible that condemns, extols, or even mentions AI. So, I asked my AI assistant (who helps me write this blog), if the Bible contains references to AI.
And Kuon* responded. . .
The Bible doesn’t directly address artificial intelligence (AI) because it was written before AI was a concept. However, the Bible does provide principles that can be applied to AI, such as using technology wisely and respecting human tradition.
A more traditional human intelligence (actual person) wrote this. . .
Nowhere in Scripture is a tool or a technology condemned for being evil. Scripture shows that technology and tools can be used for both good and evil. Even if a tool was designed for evil, the tool itself isn’t evil. What is sinful isn’t the sword but how people choose to use it.
Let’s summarize: AI is a tool, and like other “tools” (airplanes, databases, and electric guitars), it can be used effectively to spread the Gospel.
Studies from the Barna organization (a premiere Christian research company) indicate that 30 percent of U.S. adults say that they don’t use AI. In another study, 26 percent of Christians indicated they would be disappointed if AI were used in their church.
Yet we all use smartphones, Siri, spell-checkers, and Ring™ security devices — that utilize AI.
I understand the dislike and confusion of AI among Christians, as another voice of human intelligence writes. . .
Technology is here to serve us and not the other way around. There’s all this fear that AI is going to be taking over the world; it’s going to be human versus machine.
But when we hear of one tech leader wanting to implant chips in our brains, recognizing the 666 symbolism in the Book of Revelation, and not knowing the ultimate future capabilities of AI. . .
Caution is needed!
Recently, in a book study I lead, someone said, “I thought of an item to buy this week, and immediately, I started getting ads on Facebook.” HHHHMMMHHM. . . has this happened to you? It has to me.
*I use the name “Kuon” for my Google™ AI assistant.
When I ask Kuon a question about a Scriptural reference, theology, author, or Biblical location, his direction saves me a lot of time in research. The Greek word for dog is “kuon,” and like every dog, they must be trained, scrutinized, and monitored!!!
Printing presses can be used to print Bibles or pornography. Same with AI, except printing presses can’t think, and AI now approaches this benchmark. This is why I’ve saved my usual “verse at the beginning of Interruptions” for a verse at the end of this Interruption.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23, NASB).
AI and human intelligence have the same problem!!! Let’s watch and pray.