Ahem, Today is My Birthday!

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I can take some liberties with today’s blog since it’s my birthday. So, I was going to write an epic bio of myself in this blog. 

My first question to myself would be, “What verse of the Bible has been the most influential in your life?”

My answer:  Matthew 6:33 which says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you” (NASB1995).

This was the second verse that I memorized over 50 years ago, and I’ve constantly asked myself this question since then, “Is this major decision in my life seeking first the Kingdom of God?”

After the one question above, I got stuck with my bio.

Doing research on people asking others random questions (thinking it would be helpful for me to ask myself random questions), I came across a video of a reporter from Vogue® showing up at Taylor Swift’s house and asking her 73 random questions.

It was made seven years ago, but I couldn’t stop watching:

Question for Taylor: “What is the most exciting thing in your life right now?” Her answer: “The Grammy’s.” (The video was seven years ago; how do you suppose she would answer that question now?)

Question for Taylor: “How do you write songs?” Her answer: “Lots of preparation.” (Just like Pastor Grant with Interruptions.)

Question for Taylor: “What is your favorite beverage?” Her answer: “Coffee.” (And people all over the world shout, “Amen!”)

Question for Taylor: “What would you order at a drive-through?” Her answer: “A cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate shake.” (It’s my birthday and I’m thinking Skyline Chili.)

Question for Taylor: “What is one thing that you still have from your childhood?” Her answer: “Insecurities.” (To be honest — me too!)

Question for Taylor: “Why do you think that you are the most followed person on Instagram?” Her answer: “Because my cats are adorable.” (She has now gone down on my “like-meter” but into the stratosphere with my wife.)

Question for Taylor: “If you had a superpower, what would it be?” Her answer: “Healing people.” (I constantly ask for God’s power to flow through me to bring healing in the name of Jesus!)

That’s it. Random questions for Taylor Swift which are far more interesting than questions about me.

But since it’s my birthday, let me ask myself one final question.

Question for Pastor Grant: “You said at the beginning of this blog that Matthew 6:33 was the most influential verse in your entire life, but what verse of the Bible intrigues you right now?” 

My answer: “With so many past birthdays, I get encouragement from Psalm 103:5.”

God satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle (NASB1995).

Comparing Pastor Grant and Taylor Swift — I think we would all go with Taylor on talent and worldwide influence. But I can’t complain. I’m grateful for all that the Lord has done in my life!

And Taylor Swift’s birthday is December 13th.

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