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Great are the works of the Lord; They are studied by all who delight in them (Psalm 111:2, NASB).
I agree with Psalm 111 when it says, “Great are the works of the Lord; they are studied …!” So, let’s consider the five greatest miracles in the Old Testament.
Below is my list. I’ve excluded the Creation to focus on miracles observed by others that immediately rescued or gave victory to God’s people.
First: Parting the Red Sea
The Red Sea in front, and Pharoah’s army chasing behind. All the promises of God about Israel and even the forthcoming Savior are now in jeopardy. Then God said to Moses, “Lift up your staff, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it!”
God could have sent an angel or just parted the waters Himself. Instead, He commanded Moses to “stretch out your hand!” What area in our lives do we need to stretch out our hands this week?
Second: The Sun Stops
The Israelites were pursuing their enemies and running out of daylight. Then Joshua asked God to stop the sun. What happened?
The sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies (Joshua 10:13).
The nerve of Joshua asking the Lord to stop the sun. But what do we need to stop in our lives this week? Let’s be nervy this week.
Third: Elijah Defeating the Prophets of Baal
A lopsided contest with 450 prophets of Baal against a solitary Elijah.
Who was right, and who was wrong? Who served the living God? The challenge was simple — place a bull on the altar to see which God would send fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice.
The prophets of Baal won the coin toss and were up first.
For hours, they prayed, cried, and even cut themselves. Elijah had some fun by telling the prophets of Baal to shout louder as their god could be sleeping, and then he poured twelve jars of water on the bull and prayed to the living God.
Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood, and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water (1 Kings 18:38).
What obstacle, what enemy needs to be defeated in our lives this week?
Four: Daniel in the Lions’ Den
For a great jolt of faith, read Daniel 6!
Daniel’s enemies conspired to convince King Darius to issue a decree that all citizens should pray only to the King, and those that didn’t should be cast into a den of lions.
What was Daniel’s response as he prayed daily to the Living God of the Bible? He went home, opened the windows of his house, and prayed three times a day to God — until he was arrested.
We’ve all heard the story of Daniel in the lions’ den. What happened to Daniel after spending the night with hungry lions. . .
Daniel was lifted up out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he had trusted in his God (Daniel 6:23).
Where do we need courage against hungry lions this week?
Five: Your Choice
We can read about almost 90 major miracles in the Old Testament.
Excluding the four listed above, what is your favorite OT miracle? Would it be Moses and the burning bush, David and Goliath, Elijah multiplying flour and oil for a widow or manna from heaven with the Israelites?
Which one do you choose? For a complete list of all the Old Testament Miracles, click on this link. Read them and receive a great miracle in your life.