The Three Investment Strategies

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But divide your investments among many places, for you do not know what risks might lie ahead (Ecclesiastes 12:2, NLT).

Forty-five years ago, an investment strategist suggested that for a solid financial future, I should invest in three areas: my personal skills, real estate, and the stock market. He called them the “trifecta” of investment opportunities available only in the United States.

In other words, according to this financial expert, no other country in the world offers an easy, relatively secure, and fair legal system for starting a business, owning property, and investing in stocks.

I thought back then, “Okay, I’m a pastor, and I’m starting a church. My wife’s an artist initiating a graphic design business, so I’m good to go on developing personal skills. As to real estate and stocks, since I don’t have a lot of money to lose, I may as well try!”

I’ve been investing in my personal skills, real estate, and the stock market for the last few decades. What have I learned by following the “three investments” strategy?

First:  Keep updating your skill set.

Best practices with business branding, organizations, and fundraising with non-profits change constantly, and what worked today might be inadequate next year or even tomorrow. 

Yesterday, I learned how to do a podcast of this Interruption using AI. Click the link below to listen to the podcast.

The Three Investment Strategies Podcast

Second:  Real Estate is the best investment.

If you own real estate, it’s always worth something. As the country song by Luke Bryan says, “If you want my two cents on making a dollar count. . . buy dirt!” The Bible clearly teaches in James 5:3 that gold will be valued as rust in the end times.

As we age, our talents can atrophy, and who knows the ultimate end of a stock market based upon an economy with 35 trillion in national debt?

Buy dirt!

Third:  Be patient!

Proverbs 13:11 teaches, “Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears;
 wealth from hard work grows over time.”

My son is a Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) and spends lots of time investigating stock and market strategies for growing wealth. I’ve asked him many times what stock I can buy now for a dollar per share that will be worth thousands per share in a few years.

He responds, “Dad, just invest regularly with Index Funds, and you will do well.” 

HHHHMMMHHM, a son teaching this father to be patient. I think he gets this attribute from his mother!!

Fourth:  Remember that God loves a cheerful giver.

My wife and I have tithed (gross pay) our income since we have been married. I testify that any good return with our personal skills, real estate, or stocks began with a providential open door by our Father in heaven.

Let’s review the three strategies of personal skills, real estate, and stocks

And let’s remember to stay current, buy dirt, be patient, and rely on God’s grace.

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