Opportunities for Doing Good

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Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith (Galatians 6:10, NLT).

God gives us opportunities for doing good and if we obey, it changes our lives.  

When I read the fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5 as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, I realize that this fruit takes root in our lives when God gives us opportunities for doing good.

Years ago, my wife Barbara visited a Bible college in General Santos City in the Philippines. She always carries a camera and was taking photos at the college, when a young man named Rojen approached her.

He attended college and told my wife that he dreamed of becoming a photographer. 

Rojen had only a cellphone camera and showed my wife some of his photos. Barbara was impressed, and since she is an award-winning photographer, it takes talent to impress her.

Along with her camera, my wife also carries a large heart of compassion. And with Rojen, Maam Barb (as Rojen calls her) had an opportunity to help a budding photographer.

This opportunity included paying for his college. At the time of Maam Barb’s meeting with Rojen, he was behind on his tuition, and with his parents making about five U.S. dollars a day, he had no hope of graduating.  

But Maam Barb helped with college tuition and a camera, computer, camera lenses, and other support.

When I tell stories of opportunities in other countries, I get this feedback, “When will it stop?” In fact, I asked my wife this question several times, “Maam Barb, when will you stop sending?” (Well, maybe I didn’t say, “Maam Barb.”)

But with a camera and a heart of compassion, my wife also has in her repertoire a verse of Scripture that rends asunder my objections. . . 

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up (Galatians 6:9).

I can’t resist my wife’s camera, heart, and memorized verses. And so, through the years, we’ve continued to support Rojen.

Let’s consider the Galatians 6 principle of taking advantage of opportunities, not losing heart, and the promised harvest of blessings. You will see at the end of this Interruption a link to a video entitled “Big Kingdom or Big Problem Person.”

This video shows how we grow from being too focused on our difficulties—living in frustration, defeat, and fear—to becoming focused on the Kingdom of God to find faith, hope, and love.

And guess who’s the photographer/videographer?

Yep, Rojen. He lives in a bamboo and wooden house in the Philippines, operates a small video company, and is producing reels. One of which will bless you today.

Thank you, Maam Barb, for taking advantage of your opportunities.

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