The Presence of God

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I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! (Psalm 139:7, NLT)

The Bible teaches the omnipresent existence of God. He is everywhere. But have we ever asked, “Where are you, God, when I need you?”

It might not feel like it, but the answer is right next to us! We can’t get away from God’s Presence even if we try.

If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me (Psalm 139:8-10).

If God is right next to us and we can’t escape His Presence no matter where we go, our next question is, “Why can’t we feel the Presence of God?” It can’t be a “Presence” problem, so it must be an inability of us to sense the Presence of God.

Now the question: “How do we train or build awareness of God’s Presence?” The Bible teaches, “Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong” (Hebrews 5:14). 

Following are three facts that I’ve found helpful in knowing God’s Presence.

First:  Sensing God is an art.

Walking through a museum one day, my wife said, “That painting is a masterpiece.” I thought it looked like paint splattered on a canvas by a four-year-old. To which my wife said, “You haven’t looked at enough paintings.”


Let me give you a study plan:  Memorize Psalms 1, 4, 11, 25, 34, 63, 91, 103, 111, and 139. Meditate on these Psalms regularly, and I guarantee that you will know the difference between God and evil.

Okay, eleven chapters is a lot, so start with one of the above.

Second:  An artist practices.

Understanding a masterpiece of art, appreciating a pass thrown 60 yards with pinpoint accuracy, and knowing the difference between a passable sermon and a masterpiece of a sermon—all take practice.

It’s the same with sensing God. There is a business motto that says, “Ability equals knowledge and 10,000 times of repetition.”

Here’s the knowledge:  God is right next to us. So if we ask Him 10,000 times, “Is this you, God?” we will develop the ability to sense God’s Presence.

Third:  Joy comes from Presence.

When I get up in the morning to write an Interruption, I find joy. And (though debatable), I think I’m getting better at writing this blog. There is no way that I would become better at creative writing if I didn’t enjoy it.

I’m not sure whether noticing the Lord manifesting Himself comes from joy or the joy of the Lord causes us to notice His Presence. But I do know that joy and Presence come at the same time.

If it gives joy—it’s probably God.

That’s it. Three points for practicing His Presence. And Jesus is standing right next to us! Let’s practice His Presence with joy.

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