Be Content in All Situations

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I have learned to be content! (Philippians 4:11, NASB1995)

The best definition of “being content” in the New Testament is a satisfied self-sufficiency—caused by the indwelling of God’s Spirit.

Sign me up. How about you?

This isn’t fake contentment. The Bible doesn’t say, “Oh well, what else can I do?” As the Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

Neither is Biblical contentment an enforced settlement. It’s not saying, “We should be satisfied with what we have. Let’s not complain and accept our lot in life,” since following Jesus means striving for an increase in His Kingdom.

As Paul teaches in Philippians 4:19, “God will supply all of your needs [to do His will] according to his glorious riches.”

Again, sign me up. How about you?

Being content today is impossible, as there’s just too much coming at us each day. With personal decisions, politics, latter-day tribulation, end-time battles for righteousness, outright persecution, broken relationships, fallen leaders, and economic frustration, it’s probably easier to pray for and receive world peace than peace within our souls.

Yet the Apostle Paul writes…

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT).

Biblical peace and contentment are similar.  

There is a fine difference between the two: contentment is something we can learn (even though it’s an impossible task), which is why Paul says, “I have learned to be content.” And peace is something God gives us, which is why Paul says, “You will experience God’s peace, which exceeds what we can understand.”

I want both contentment and peace. Let’s go ahead and admit it—we all do! How do we receive God’s peace by learning to be content in seemingly impossible situations?  

Perhaps I should stop writing this Interruption before I reveal the secret. It’s rather easy, as Paul continues…

 I have learned the secret of living in every situation (Philippians 4:12, NLT).

Paul is saying that he has been so disciplined by his life situations that he can find peace and contentment in every situation. And his advice for us is…

I will say it again—rejoice (Philippians 4:4) and

Thank Him for all He has done (Philippians 4:6).

We can all rejoice and be thankful, no matter what befalls our lives. When we do, we will find contentment.

Go ahead, right now, let’s rejoice and ask God to give us supernatural peace.

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