Let’s Redeem the Time This Week

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Redeeming the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16, KJV).

Most of us want to manage our time appropriately. As followers of Jesus, we realize that time is our most important resource …

… and we want to be good stewards!

I’ve tried different methods of time management. I used to make detailed lists and have checkmarks with tasks accomplished. I became so obsessed with time management — spending a few hours on it every week — that I realized managing my time was becoming a poor usage of my time!

I found help by learning what the Apostle Paul says about “redeeming” the time in Ephesians 5:16. In the Greek, the same word for “redeem” is used in the following verse …

So that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons (Galatians 4:5, NASB1995).

If the phrase “redeeming our time” is using the same word as “redeem those who were under the law,” then we shouldn’t develop legalistic systems of time management. Whatever practice we use in scheduling or organizing our time should bring freedom instead of bondage!

As Paul writes …

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17, NLT).

Below are four principles that I’ve learned by following a path of freedom in redeeming my time.

  • I still use a calendar.  But I realize that Jesus is Lord of my time. I must be willing to change my plans when He leads.
  • Interruptions happen!  I found freedom by identifying which were of the Lord, my own mistakes, or even distractions from the evil one.
  • I leave a blank day on my calendar each month for the Lord to fill in His will. This has been fun. The day is always full, often with events that I wouldn’t have taken time for in my old calendar-bondage years.
  • God often reveals His will to me by how He manages my time. I’ve observed cycles of productivity, intense times of struggle, periods of seeking wisdom, and even lax days/a month for rest (I need more of these). If I don’t resist God’s re-management of my time, He gives me insight into His desires for my life.

Learning God’s will is the best way to manage time.

He provides strength and resources to accomplish more than we could by our own efforts. Just like Jesus redeems our souls from “works” to grace, He can redeem our calendar from overworked stress to His peace.

I’m a lot more productive when I have God’s peace.

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