Gender Chaos

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God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27, NLT).

God created us in His image – our gender identity of male and female reflects the image of God.

Today, evil tries to abolish gender.  

We shouldn’t be surprised at satanic attempts to undo the inherently created nature of men and women. There is demonic delight if the wiles of the deceiver can coax a culture into a system of belief that, despite obvious biological, scientific, psychological, and spiritual truth, begins to believe in the non-existence of gender.

Scripture teaches . . . 

Do not give the devil a foothold! (Ephesians 4:27)

The elimination of gender is a major foothold. It sets the stage for unparalleled evil and confusion. At my gym, on any given day, there can be a sign in front of the men’s locker room – Female at work in this locker room. Or in front of the women’s locker room – Male at work in this locker room.

If there is no gender, why not? According to current cultural thinking, my only surprise should be that the signs use the terms “male” and “female.”

This chaos of gender elimination now creeps into the restrooms of elementary schools, how we teach sex education to children in the first grade, the elimination of competition in women’s/female sports, and the degradation of the military.

What a foothold “gender neutrality” has given the enemy!

God created male and female. Now agendas of cultural awareness are teaching that for the benefit of a few, we must sacrifice gender.

We shouldn’t be surprised as Scripture teaches . . .  

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction (Proverbs 29:18).

Upending gender creates a topsy-turvy world of individuality over common sense and licentiousness over civil and moral decency.  

Without our God-given identity of sexuality, most lifestyles will be protected by law or government edicts with the only restrictions directed toward the narrow-minded who still believe in thousands of years of science, Scripture, spiritual, and psychological common sense.  

Since male and female are the image of God, when we lose God’s image, we also lose what He considers as good. It reads in Genesis . . .  

God looked over all He had made [including gender], and He saw that it was very good (v. 31).

Losing gender distinctions ridicules the goodness of God. Evil becomes good. Chaos reigns!

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