Psalms On Saturday ~ Psalm 119

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Uh, oh. Psalms On Saturday this week features Psalm 119. This Psalm has 176 verses and is the longest chapter in the Bible. I just know Pastor Grant is going to ask us to read the entire Psalm this week.

Why should we read Psalm 119? The first verse explains the purpose of the Psalm.

Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! (v. 1, ESV)

The focus of Psalm 119 is the Word of God.  

The Psalm mentions God’s Word in 169 verses of the 176 verses. God’s Word is called law, testimony, precept, statue, commandment, judgment, and promise. The blessings found in Psalm 119 from walking in God’s Word are…

Joy, guidance, values, the ability to pray effectively, hope, peace, freedom, to bring the best of friends into our lives, to help us find and fulfill God’s purposes, strengthen us to witness, revive us, and allow the Lord to work in us to accomplish great things for His glory!

You must agree that the benefits of reading and obeying God’s Word promised in Psalm 119 do describe a blessed life!

My soul keeps your testimonies; I love them exceedingly (v. 167).

One commentator writes about God’s Word and Psalm 119…

The way we treat the Word of God is the way we treat the God of the Word (Warren Wiersbe).

This Psalm is an acrostic. Which means, well – let’s go back to Warren Wiersbe and let him describe it…

The psalm is an acrostic with eight lines in each section, and the successive sections follow the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each of the eight lines of 1–8 begins with the Hebrew letter aleph, the lines in 9–16 begin with beth, in 17–24 with gimel, and so on.

Some scholars say Psalm 119 is the most complex, beautiful, and powerful poem ever written in history.

We should read Psalm 119 often!

There is no author listed for Psalm 119. Commentators don’t think it was David or any of his contemporaries like Solomon or Asaph. Some believe Psalm 119 was written by Moses, but I think it was written by Jeremiah. 

Why do I think Jeremiah? As you read Psalm 119, it fits with Jeremiah’s life.  

Jeremiah spoke with kings (Jeremiah 22:1 and 119:46); he was surrounded by his enemies (Jeremiah 11:19 and 119:98), and Jeremiah was a prophet of God’s Word which is the focal point of Psalm 119 (Jeremiah 31:31-34).

Like the times of Jeremiah and the end-times in which we live, both are periods of tumult and often tragic change. Yet Psalm 119 finds solace and peace in God’s Word.

Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble (v. 165).

Yes, you are right; I challenge you to read Psalm 119 this week in one sitting. It will only take about 15 minutes. Time well spent…

For a blessed life!