Five Podcasts For Summer By Connoiseur Jeff

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Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith (Hebrews 13:7).

Books, blogs, and podcasts are opportunities to listen and learn with fewer mistakes and greater victories in your life.

Confession:  I don’t listen to podcasts. I do read books. 

I note most church leaders have podcasts (I’m considering turning Interruptions into a podcast). While the best length for a podcast, according to attention span studies, is 15-20 minutes, the average length of a podcast is 36 minutes – which proves lots of pastors/preachers have podcasts.

There are over 2 million podcasts. iTunes lists over 700,000 podcasts. Seven percent of the population listens to a podcast every day, while men tend to listen more than women. But 33 percent of people who don’t listen to podcasts, but want to listen to podcasts, don’t know how to get started.

Yes, the ever-current Interruptions should say something about podcasts. I should help you get started listening and give advice on podcasts. But I know nothing about them… 


Enter Podcast Connoisseur, Jeff Pinkleton.

Jeff is an amazing follower of Jesus, a resident of Springfield, Ohio, and knows about podcasts, including having one of his own. For those who don’t know Jeff, he leads a men’s ministry that packs one of our community’s largest venues for twice-yearly breakfasts.

Jeff’s suggests five podcasts for listening to this summer:

  • Pinkleton PullAside Podcast – Great host :-), great guests, material that stirs, inspires, and challenges. Rapid five silky questions bring some uniqueness, and most every podcast starts with a testimony. Length: 45-50 minutes. (Pastor Grant note: I asked Jeff to include his own podcast.)
  • DADVILLE – Jon McLaughlin and Dave Barnes are very funny. Chemistry with them and guests is second to none. Variety abounds and they know when and how to be silly/funny and get to the heart. Length: 1 hour 15 min., give or take.
  • Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast – Carey has great guests; has clearly built an incredible platform. It’s a bit long for many people’s tastes but each interview covers a lot and I always leave with gold and an investment in myself that I can use. Length: Long at an 1 hour 30 min.
  • Sports Spectrum (Jason Romano) – Great host that I’ve gotten to know. Good mix of “known” folks in the athletic world vs. folks with lesser “known” stories but great testimonies. Plus folks not in sports as a primary thing but can share differently, and you learn their heart for athletics. Jason sets up his guests well and gets a lot of good out of them. Length: 30-45 minutes is typical.
  • That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs – She loves her guests, and it clearly comes out (gushes a bit much) and gets to heart stuff more than others. Plus, we need more fun in the world. Length: About 1 hour.

You have it now. Five podcasts for listening to this summer. I note that all these podcasts crush the average length for podcasts. So, take comfort that it takes the average reader…

Three minutes to read Interruptions!