Pastor Grant Update

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Don’t think that I am a fool if I talk about myself! (2 Corinthians 11:21, OGV)

HHHHMMMHHM… an Interruption entitled Pastor Grant Update?

Sounds a bit narcistic doesn’t it? Note:  Definition of narcissism – has a sense of entitlement, selfishness, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration

I hope not!

Even the Apostle Paul wrote updates about himself.

But what do others who are taking advantage of you boast about? I dare to boast about my sufferings. Are the false teachers servants? I have served him far more. I know that I sound like a madman, but I have been put in prison far more, been whipped times without number, and faced death again and again. Five times I received the thirty-nine lashes, three times beaten with rods, once I was stoned, and three times I was shipwrecked. I have worked long and hard, enduring many sleepless nights. I have been hungry and gone without food (2 Corinthians 11:21-29, OGV).

Agreed, the Apostle Paul has false teachers, persecution, shipwrecks, and hunger in his boast list and Pastor Grant does not.

The Apostle Paul was boasting to help the Corinthians understand the validity of his mission and to allow them to see the true narcisstic nature of false teachers. I hope that my update, while lacking the beatings and prison time, will have the effect of encouraging you to follow Jesus and obey the Great Commission.

Jesus said, “Leave your nice surroundings and comfortable routines and go disciple the nations” (Matthew 28:19, OGV).

Helping Ukrainians, adopting children, short-term missions, offerings to missionaries, attending Bible College, discipling a co-worker, and obeying a calling to the Philippines can all be manifestations of following the Last Commission of Jesus to His church.

This is my update:  I am still writing, praying, teaching, and encouraging others to “go and disciple.”

The DisciplingAnother ministry is a great team of volunteers. We are training one-on-one discipleship online and in-person and would be willing to do either within your sphere of influence. Leave us a note at for more information.

With end-times events increasingly upon us, Jesus taught us how to pray…

Jesus says to you about the end-times, “I am the Lord of the harvest, the harvest is plentiful. I need workers. Pray about becoming a worker in this harvest” (Matthew 9:37, OGV).

I’m praying that when you write your update soon it doesn’t need to report shipwreck or prison – but I hope that you say…

I work in the harvest by discipling another to love Jesus.

[Postscript Update:  I preached on Romans 8 at Fellowship Church on the weekend of April 30 and May 1. Follow this link to hear the sermon and understand why Romans 8 is the most important chapter in the Bible!]