#1 Gift Request On Your Christmas List

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What should be the number #1 request on your Christmas list?

That’s easy – wisdom! Ask for wisdom.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him (James 1:5).

The next time that someone asks what you want for Christmas, just say, “Wisdom.” You will need it next year for finances, health, relationships, business, education, housing, vacation, transportation, church, charitable giving – everything that you do or decide needs wisdom.

Fortunately, the promise is clear in James 1. Ask for wisdom and it will be given.

Below is a simple three-step process for asking and receiving wisdom.

First:  Ask!

Don’t say, “God, give me wisdom.” Ask, “God, should I buy this new Corvette for 90 thousand, that will be useless with my growing family, or should I purchase the new Honda minivan?”  

Just listening to myself allows revelation of wisdom! 

If you still need wisdom, ask others to pray specifically with you. I find that my denial or wrong desires are quickly decimated by a friend stating…

You want me to pray for what?!

Second:  Ask in Faith!

A Godly request brings faith and faith gives peace.

James says, “Ask in faith” (1:6). You know you are asking in faith if peace results from the request. 

If you pray, “God, I’m busy and not in control of my time, but let more business opportunities come my way so that I can make more money and tithe to the church.”

Yes, you are asking, but will the answer bring peace?

Faith is the opposite of sight. Note that faith often creates a tremor of false fear when first considered. But embedded fear is ultimately defeated by steps of faith directed at the stronghold.

Third:  Don’t Doubt!

For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways (James 1:6-8).

A mark of a great request is Satan causing doubt; a signature of a bad “ask” is the Spirit convicting.

Knowing the difference is the key to wisdom.

Bad asking leads to more wavering and re-questioning the decision. Wise asking brings ultimate solace. Sometimes repentance will quell the storms and at other times, speaking powerfully against the opposition stills the waves.

Repentance, speaking boldly, or both – solidify wisdom. 

The Greek word for wisdom is sophia. A beautiful word. We get the English word “sophisticated” from sophia! Someone who lives with wisdom becomes astute in decision-making.

Wisdom is the key to success in everything that you do. The fruit of wisdom is a sophisticated life of joy, even amid trials (James 1:2-4).

This year, wisdom should be a gift under your Christmas tree.

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