Think Stability

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Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Paul writes for us to be steadfast and immovable – think stability.

How stable do you feel? During the last couple of years have you held faith in spite of doubt? Has discouragement been fleeting, not taking root? Or has unfortunate life changes withered your enthusiasm for God’s calling?

Doubt abounds today – it is the demonic spirit of this age.

The enemy uses chaos to create doubt. Through doubt, he tempts us to compromise, challenges what we believe, and wants us to give up. Satan quickly moves into our abandoned purity to bring guilt, our loosened doctrine for deception, and our failure for discouragement.

There is a standard, a fixed point, from which we can recover. This fact overwhelms frustrations, gives forgiveness, and restores hope…

…the resurrection of Jesus.

Take time to read 1 Corinthians 15 this week. This chapter gives evidence after evidence of the resurrection of Jesus. With a physical resurrection of a dead body as history, we say with confidence, “Jesus is alive!”

Paul bases his twin statements of “always abounding in the work of the Lord” and “your labor is not in vain” upon the resurrection of Jesus. With a resurrected Jesus we have everything.

In the Greek, “steadfast” means “solidly based” and “immovable” indicates “can’t be moved.” When life shakes your foundation, consider the resurrection and believe that God is still working – and He works all things for your good.

I read a story yesterday about a woman checking a credit card statement and finding a charge for $49.00 for a cheap hotel on the other side of town. Her husband made the charge. The woman’s world turned upside down.

Challenging her husband that evening, he denied anything inappropriate, picked up the phone, and called the hotel. He then gave his mobile to his wife who heard the owner of the hotel say, “I own both a Chinese restaurant and this hotel. Sometimes I put charges from the restaurant through on the hotel tab.”

Both the husband and wife had eaten dinner at the Chinese restaurant the week before.

Truth dispels doubt; stability upon facts.

Paul writes:  That Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

Scholars note that the above two verses were a psalm or catechism written within 10 years of the resurrection of Jesus. When the believers of the first century began repeating this refrain throughout the Roman Empire, hundreds who had witnessed the actual resurrection of Jesus were still living.

Paul says, “Jesus appeared to more than five hundred at one time, most of whom are still alive.”

We can be frustrated, we can doubt, but all of it is momentary to one fact…

…Jesus is alive!

Be steadfast and unmovable.

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