The Kingdom Of Right And Left

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For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  2 Peter 1:11

Is Jesus political? Yes, He is both left and right.

Jesus criticized both left and right politics in His day, concluding with both the right and left, in a rare display of unity, joining together to crucify Him.

Jesus is left – our Savior – merciful and forgiving. Christ is right – our Lord – law along with justice.

We trend toward the left or right in our politics and religion. We also criticize the right if we are left, and the left if we are right. When Christ is forgotten (who is both left and right) the difference between left and right becomes extreme.

No unity. The only solution – power by election. Or force or subterfuge.

Charles Darwin, in his survival of the fittest, laid the philosophical groundwork for 20th century politics. Fascism (right) killed tens of millions and Communism (left) killed tens of millions.

Might makes right.

Unless we follow Jesus, who combines both left and right in love. Not appeasement but the truth, and not dictatorial but sacrificing.

The cross is His example for us!

Easily we pull Jesus in our direction. HHHHMMMHH… what would Jesus do? Of course, He would do what I think. I’m right-wing so Jesus is right, or I’m left-wing and so Jesus is left.

We then listen to Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham or Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews to bolster our opinions.

Let’s reread scripture – Jesus is both Lord and Savior.

He is left and right. Love can be frustrating in political or religious discussions as it gets in the way of our opinions and could possibly get us crucified.

Isaiah the prophet wrote:

For to us a child is born, and the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace… and there will be no end of His Kingdom.  Isaiah 9:6-7 ESV

What would Jesus do? In love, He is both Lord and Savior!

Another wise scholar said:

If you find yourself politically opposed to another Christian – they lean left, and you are right, or they lean right, and you are left, you find unity by drawing close to Jesus as both Savior (left) and Lord (right).  

Confession: I’m the scholar! And I’m tired of Christians arguing. Here is my conclusion – you can all agree with me, or we can all seek Jesus!

If we can agree that unity is found in Christ (not Grant or you), let’s stop crucifying Jesus in our language and actions toward one another, and get about the business of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Then Jesus will return. Obeying the Great Commission is voting for the soon return of our Lord and Savior.

The right and the left then both win in Christ.

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