Pray With No Fine Print

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If you haven’t heard this song by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes … click on the link and listen before you read the following devotional.  The song was written in March in a quick sit down writing session. It is a blessing to millions in our crisis.  Let it inspire you before you read the Interruption on asking.

The Blessing – Live From Home

The words of Jesus stick in my mind, “Ask anything in my name and I will do it.” (John 14:14)  They have been stuck there for years because…

No fine print!

Anything, all things, even when you get on a new webpage — fine print — everywhere.  Agree with terms and conditions boxes that must be checked.  We use cookies on this page.  Allow us to know your location. 

We live with and by fine print . We won’t pay and sorry you didn’t live up to the agreement exceptions abound.

I just looked up a scripture verse and a Lowe’s banner ad appeared on the bottom of the page with the motto, “Trusted by the pros to get the job done.”

HMMMMM the ad for Lowes gives a promise but do we trust it. Isn’t there an assumed disbelief in the promises of the world. We read them with a smirk, a slight tilt of ‘yeah right’ in our soul and then we make the purchase anyway.

Jesus does say in John 14.12 … if you believe in me! I wonder if e-media has been designed by the evil one to create an automatic disbelief in the promises of Jesus because we of modern mind disbelieve everything.

Jesus repeats himself in John 15:7, so that we will get it, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”  Some fine print here — abide in Jesus. Not much though.

Jesus repeats Himself giving the promise of all promises, “Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you. Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.” (John 16:24)

The fine print of Jesus  — is that you haven’t asked for anything! Wow!

James reflects this imagery, “You do not have because you do not ask.” James adds some fine print, “You ask and do not receive because you ask with wrong motives so that you can spend it on your pleasures.” (James 4)

The word used most often by Jesus to describe prayer is ‘ask.’  God is not a celestial ATM existing for our bidding.  He won’t answer prayers that will harm you or against His purposes.

But He wants you to ask anyway.  Even if you ask amiss, ask!  Even you haven’t had a prayer answered, ask again!  Even if you have sinned the previous day, ask! Even if you are mad at someone, ask!

Too often, I have others give me their request, as if my asking is better than their asking.  Not really, I love to pray for you but I’m covered by the same blood that you are.

Ask.  Ask.  Ask. Ask.

The world, the church, you, your family and all of creation needs a lot of asking now.  God has aligned Himself with you and the only fine print on whether or not God answers your prayer is whether or not you ask Him.

Try this … write one huge prayer (of course ask the Spirit if it honors God). Write it down.  Place it where you will see it.

Ask and continually ask.

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