3 A.M. Warfare

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We all have sleepless nights. Many of us wake up regularly at 3 a.m. I hear reports of Christians sensing evil in their rooms at night.

Chip Ingram in his book, The Invisible War, writes of a night in India:

I fell asleep quickly that night but awakened within a couple of hours. My room was dark, my body was worn out, I was apprehensive about what I would teach the following day, and I was very vulnerable to spiritual attack. The following six hours would be among the worst of my life. It was as though I was under an all-out assault from hell itself. Thoughts of condemnation and death bombarded my mind for hours. The enemy whispered lie after lie into the recesses of my mind as I quoted Scripture and attempted to pray.

Recently, I woke in the middle of the night. I was sleeping, then wide awake, and sensed a spiritual attack – fear/evil – assailed my thoughts. Like a demon had kicked my bed to give me foreboding fears.

Before you read further, remember…

Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Chip Ingram writes:

All I could think was that God inhabits the praises of his people (Psalm 22:3). At first, I felt nothing. But little by little, as I sang in adoration, the grip of darkness in the room was broken. 

Then Ingram concludes:

I had forgotten one of the most important aspects of spiritual warfare: we do not fight for victory but from victory… Spiritual warfare is never an attempt to gain the victory. It is standing firm in what we already possess.

There is a difference between anxiety and too many French fries at dinner as the cause of a 3 a.m. awakening.

More and more saints now wake up at 3 a.m. to engage in spiritual warfare – to proclaim our already-won victory over sickness, culture clashes, last days revival, family difficulties, and Kingdom matters.

The Bible teaches that we are to rule with Christ and part of our leadership training is learning spiritual warfare. Perhaps the best time is 3 a.m.

What did I do that night when I was attacked?

  1. I reminded myself that “greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.” Also, Psalm 27:1 is helpful, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?”
  2. I prayed in the Spirit. I’m not defining this for you as most prayer warriors develop their own version of this middle-of-the-night weapon. See Ephesians 6:18 and Romans 8:26-27.
  3. I asked for clarity. Sometimes God will give me specific insight for praying and at other times I just pray. On this night, it was about health issues with family members.

Around the world, awakened saints pray and engage in battles with principalities and powers. In current events like COVID, and even more difficult future events, God wants us to claim our victory through prayer.

Praying at night and in spiritual warfare means claiming the blood of Christ. Pray this way, “Jesus, I bring your blood into this situation!” 

God is calling the church to pray. Nighttime warfare!

3 a.m.

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