Conspiracy or Discernment?

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Saints …

(Important note at the end!)

I receive a lot of video links.  It would take me hours each day to watch all of the videos.  I apologize in advance, if I haven’t watched a video that you sent to me.

(Pastor Grant note … I do watch some of the videos. If you send a video, please introduce it with two or three short bullet points allowing me to consider its relevance to my current focus.)

More and more of the videos that I receive deal with conspiracy.

You can’t believe in the Bible without believing in conspiracy.  End Times teaching is very clear about a world government, a global monetary economy, totalitarian control, deception, and fear.  It’s a given to me, so I don’t watch videos trying to prove what the Bible already teaches.

End Times conspiracy is summed up in the Greek language of the New Testament as ‘anti’ – anti-Christ, anti-scripture, and anti-righteous.

Instead of watching YouTube videos on conspiracy, I would rather read Daniel, the Book of Revelation, Matthew 24, and 2 Thessalonians 2.

Please note: Bible conspiracy passages – as difficult as they are – give hope; whereas conspiracy theories bring fear. Bible teaching on end times is not ‘anti’ but pro-peace, pro-presence, pro-Lord & Savior, and pro-end times revival.

We live in unique times.  End Times scenarios abound, playing out a fear factor opposing the intentions of Biblical prophecy. True Biblical discernment motivates us to participate more deeply in the Kingdom.

The fear of conspiracy can become addictive.  Believing in the soon return of Jesus should motivate prayers of faith for latter day revival.

Some questions to ask …

  • Are you more interested in conspiracy thinking than Bible reading?
  • Do you give more attention to virus collusion or fulfilling the Great Commission?
  • Is there fear or anticipation about your future?

Evil uses fear: the plan — Problem, Reaction, Evil Solution! Ultimate solution is about anti-freedom and anti-Christ.

Jesus abolished fear: His plan — Sacrifice for the Problem; Love, Faith, Hope as our response; His presence & peace as the solution.

(Oh Yeah … Facebook has banned my website that lists these Interruptions as a violation of their community standards policies. HHHHMMMMHHHH … end times conspiracy?)

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